Special Attention for Every Child

At JIS, we believe that every child is special in his or her own way. We want every child to feel valued and appreciated. We ensure that our teachers devote time to every student equally and try to understand them. This increases their self-esteem and catalyzes personal development while ensuring they bloom under our care.

Every child is a different kind of flower and all together, make this world a beautiful garden.

A rich variety of co-curricular activities and facilities help in the overall development of children. We strive hard to make school an enjoyable experience for our children and ensure that they have ample space and facilities to play and have fun while they learn. Our classrooms are designed to capture their attention and be welcoming to them every day. We also focus on physical well-being and development of each child. Our cafeteria serves a nutritive, well-balanced mid-day meal to the children but at the same time exposing them to a variety of cuisines. We are committed to positive learning!

Memorable Clicks

Happy schools make happy children! We give our children ample opportunity to learn, play, fall and rise again. We create a learning environment that fosters growth and overall child development. We give our children a learning environment & contribute to their success!
Childern thrive in a happy environment where they get to experience and learn from a wide range of activities that are varied in structure to give a unique educational experience.