The school is equipped with medical facilities and qualified medical staff to take care of medical emergencies. Our resident medical staff is available 24×7 to take care of the health care needs and routine ailments of our students proficiently. Any medical issues, small or big, are immediately communicated to the Principal and parents of the student.
Health first
Caring for the ailing child
At JIS, trained medical staff are on duty to administer to medical emergencies any time of the day. Our staff nurse is skilled in delivering first aid and caring for children’s day to day problems. There is a comfortable medical room on the ground floor with basic medical facilities and a wheelchair. In case of a medical emergency, the principal and parents of the student are informed immediately and the child is shifted to either the medical room or to the nearest hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital, 3kms away. A school vehicle is always stationed in school.

Health education
“Healthy isn’t a goal. It is a way of living.”
School is the right place and time to inculcate good health practices and positive health care. At JIS, we ensure that right health education is imparted to the students and a regular health regimen is followed. We take special lectures on hygiene and health routinely to introduce children to good health practices. We also conduct health checkups including oral health examinations to keep track of our students’ oral and general health.