
Nurturing Independence In Children: A Family’s Approach

Nurturing Independence In Children: A Family’s Approach 682 1024 Akshay

Nurturing Independence In Children: A Family’s Approach By Kalash Pathak Oct, 2023 DESCRIPTION In today’s fast-paced world, modern parenting faces unique challenges, especially in households with working parents and a nuclear family setup. A child’s character development becomes crucial in such an environment. At the heart of this endeavor lies the goal of grooming children…


Environment 320 180 Akshay

Environment By Mr. Mithilesh Pathak Oct, 2023 DESCRIPTION पत्र वृक्ष का कितना अच्छा होता न जब पेड़ – पौधे भी बोल पाते l वसंत की बहार एवं खुशियों को गाकर हमें सुनाते और पतझड़ के दर्द को बयाँ करते l हम भी उनकी खुशियों में शामिल होते और उनके दर्द को सुनकर सहानुभूति प्रकट करते…

Let’s Have A Moment Of Science

Let’s Have A Moment Of Science 612 1024 Akshay

Let’s Have A Moment Of Science By Aisha Sheikh Oct, 2023 DESCRIPTION Dear reader, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a flower blooming or an aeroplane flying high in the sky or may be when you are using your laptop or smartphone? Well…. The first and the only thing…

The Journey Within

The Journey Within 268 187 Akshay

Drowned in the music, I merrily danced through, unable to listen to the melody within,About which I had no clue……My thoughts entangled in the maze of mere words, from which I could not set myself free,Hit by the self-created wrath of time, I had no time to think of me.One day as I slipped into…

Parenting A Shy Child

Parenting A Shy Child 199 265 Akshay

Shyness is a common but misunderstood emotion. Shyness can be defined as a state or quality of being nervous or timid in the company of other people. Shyness is a universal feeling and can be argued to have evolved as an adaptive mechanism used to help individuals cope with social stimuli. Everyone has felt ambivalent…

Robots Vs Humans

Robots Vs Humans 301 167 Akshay

Once a upon a time, not very long ago lived a scientist named Dave. Dave made a robot with weapons such as laser guns. The robot was named Fighter. The robot had the strength of a 1000 people. Dave made millions of robots like Fighter such as Fighter 2.0, Warrior and Soldier. Some robots such…

Blood Donation

Blood Donation 259 194 Akshay

Once on a Sunday morning I was having my breakfast, suddenly I heard a ring on my father’s mobile phone. I gave the mobile to him; there was a call from the blood bank as they had an urgent requirement of blood. I went to the blood bank with him. He is a regular blood…

अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा

अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा 750 500 aces

अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा Mrs. Chanchala Pathak Oct, 2023 DESCRIPTION देववाणी, वेदवाणी, अमृतवाणी, कर्णप्रियवाणी, मधुरवाणी आदि विशेषणों से संस्कृत की गरिमा सुशोभित होती है | संस्कृत भाषा को कई लोग जटिल एवं कठिन भाषा समझते हैं | लेकिन यथार्थ यह है कि संस्कृत भाषा न तो कठिन है और न ही क्लिष्ट है | अमृतवाणी संस्कृत…

संयम से सफलता

संयम से सफलता 960 661 aces

संयम से सफलता Mrs. Chanchala Kumari Oct, 2023 DESCRIPTION एक बार एक शिष्य ने अपने गुरु जी से मन को शांत करने का तरीका पूछा। गुरु जी ने कुछ भी उत्तर नहीं दिया। लेकिन उसने शिष्य से कहा, “बेटा! मैं प्यासा हूँ। कृपया मेरे लिए उस तालाब से पानी लाओ। शिष्य तुरंत तालाब के पास…