
Nurturing Independence In Children: A Family’s Approach 682 1024 Akshay

Nurturing Independence In Children: A Family’s Approach

Nurturing Independence In Children: A Family’s Approach


In today’s fast-paced world, modern parenting faces unique challenges, especially in households with working parents and a nuclear family setup. A child’s character development becomes crucial in such an environment. At the heart of this endeavor lies the goal of grooming children to be self-reliant individuals.

The journey of guiding our child, Kalash, towards self-reliance has been both rewarding and enlightening. In this article, we share our approach, focusing on three fundamental principles that have helped us shape Kalash’s ability to make independent decisions.

  • Building a Friendly Environment: We realized that children learn more from what they experience than from what we teach. Therefore, we initiated the process by creating a friendly atmosphere at home. Within our family, honesty and accountability are paramount. By being honest with each other and taking responsibility for our actions, we set an example for Kalash. This environment encourages her to be accountable for her choices.
  • Open and Non-Judgmental Communication: The second principle centers on open and non-judgmental communication. We encourage all family members, including Kalash, to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. This fosters trust and confidence within the family unit. It also means that Kalash can approach us with concerns, even if they involve revealing a mistake or an untruth on our part. Our response is crucial – a calm, understanding approach, coupled with an apology if necessary, reinforces that her opinion is valued and heard.
  • Helping Children Decide Right from Wrong: Perhaps the most critical aspect of nurturing independence is helping children discern right from wrong. We introduced Kalash to a simple litmus test – how would she feel about sharing her actions with us when she returns home? Would it evoke feelings of happiness, pride, fear, or regret? Anything that she wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing falls into the category of actions to avoid. We emphasize that even if she makes a mistake or a poor decision, we are her first line of support. After all, a family operates as a team, watching out for each other.

In conclusion, our family motto is simple – “Preach in public, but practice in private.” We believe in leading by example and fostering an environment that allows our child to grow into a self-reliant and responsible individual.

Rasika Budhay & Nakul Pathak,
Proud Parents of Kalash Pathak
Class II B, The Jain International School, Nagpur.

Environment 320 180 Akshay



DISCRIPTIONपत्र वृक्ष का

कितना अच्छा होता न जब पेड़ – पौधे भी बोल पाते l वसंत की बहार एवं खुशियों को गाकर हमें सुनाते और पतझड़ के दर्द को बयाँ करते l हम भी उनकी खुशियों में शामिल होते और उनके दर्द को सुनकर सहानुभूति प्रकट करते l तब शायद मनुष्य इतना स्वार्थी नहीं होता और अपनी सुविधा के लिए पेड़ पौधों का भक्षक न बनता l
काश ! ऐसा हो पाता….ज़रा कल्पना कीजिए कि वृक्ष अपनी आपबीती बताने के लिए मनुष्य के नाम एक पत्र लिखता है l इस पत्र में वृक्ष अपनी वो हर बात बयाँ करता है जो उसपर बीत रही हैl आइए पढ़ते हैं कि वृक्ष का पत्र देशवासियों के नाम…..

प्यारे देशवासियों !

मैं आपका अभिनंदन करूँ, आपको आशीर्वाद दूँ ,आपकी प्रार्थना करूँ , विनती करूँ या आपका तिरस्कार करूँ l चलिए जाने दीजिए इसका फैसला परमपिता परमेश्वर पर छोड़ देते हैं l
पत्र प्रारंभ करने से पहले मैं अपना परिचय देना चाहता हूँ l सृष्टि की अनुपम कृति, इस धरा का श्रृंगार , मनुष्य के प्राणवायु का स्रोत , सूर्य की तपन से शीतलता प्रदान करने वाला , मूसलाधार वर्षा से भू-रक्षण करने वाला धरती माँ का बेटा- एक वृक्ष हूँ ; सघन परिवार का एक छोटा सा सदस्य l मैं अपने पूरे परिवार की ओर से आप सभी से आग्रह करता हूँ कि आप मेरे महत्त्व को समझें , मेरी पीड़ा को सुने, मेरे दर्द को महसूस करें एवं मेरी खुशियों का ख्याल रखें l उम्मीद करता हूँ कि आपसब मेरी बात अवश्य सुनेंगे l
कहते हैं कि एकता में बल है l परिवार के सदस्य मिलजुलकर रहें तो कठिन से कठिन समस्या का समाधान असानी से हो जाता है l मेरे परिवार में मेरे जैसे अनेक सदस्य मिलजुलकर रहते हैं l शेर, चीता , बाघ, भालू, हिरन, भालू, हाथी इत्यादि प्राणियों के लिए तो वन घर है इसलिए तो इन्हें वन्य प्राणी कहते हैं l हमसब मिलकर न सिर्फ इनका संरक्षण करते हैं बल्कि इन्हें विपदाओं से बचाते भी हैं l अब आपको लग रहा होगा कि हम आपके काम आते भी हैं या नहीं l हम आपके लिए कितने उपयोगी हैं इस बात की कल्पना करकर ही आप रोमांचित हो उठेंगे l हम दूषित वायु ग्रहण कर आपको प्राणवायु देते हैं, हमारे सभी सदस्य मिलकर बरसात के दिनों में मिट्टी के कटाव को रोकते हैं जिससे मिटटी की उर्वरा शक्ति कायम रहती है , वह उपजाऊ बनी रहती है और उपजने वाले अन्न का उपभोग करके आपका जीवन चलता है l प्राचीनतम चिकित्सा पद्धति आयुर्वेद ने हम में से प्राप्त जड़ी बूटियों द्वारा ऐसी –ऐसी औषधियों का निर्माण किया है जो भयानक से भयानक रोगों से मुक्ति दिला सकता है l हमारी लकड़ियों का उपयोग इंधन से लेकर भवन निर्माण तक में होता है l हमारी उपयोगिता का अनुमान तो अपने लगा ही लिया होगा l
इस धरा में जब आपका अस्तित्व नहीं था तब हमारी संख्या असंख्य थी l मनुष्य की उत्पत्ति होने पर भी हम प्रसन्न ही थे क्योंकि हम आपके काम आ सकते थे, पर हमें क्या मालूम था कि आपकी उत्पत्ति हमारे विनाश का कारण बन जाएगी l जैसे- जैसे धरा पर आपका परिवार बढ़ता गया वैसे-वैसे हमारा परिवार घटता गया l वन्य प्राणी लुप्त होते जा रहे हैं l आप अपने पैरों पर खुद कुल्हाड़ी मारकर प्रसन्न हो रहे हैं ; आपकी इस नासमझी के कारण प्राकृतिक सम्पदा विनाश के कगार पर पहुँच गई है और मेरे ह्रदय से एक ही आवाज़ आ रही है –

“पथरीले रास्ते हुए , कंक्रीट के वन, कहाँ खो गया आदमी , पूछे मेरा मन l”
पर्यावरण संरक्षण आज विश्व के लिए सबसे बड़ी चुनौती है l बेशुमार बढ़ती जनसंख्या एवं भौतिकता की अंधी दौड़ स्तिथियाँ और भी विषम कर दी हैं l नैतिकता को तिलांजलि देकर भौतिक संपन्नता को लोगों ने सब कुछ मान लिया है l हरे भरे वृक्षों को लगातार काटा जा रहा है, पृथ्वी का तापमान लगातार बढ़ने से ‘भूमंडलीय उष्मीकरण ‘ बढ़ता ही जा रहा है l बहुत पहले प्रकृति पूजा को महत्त्व देकर आपके पूर्वजों ने अपने वर्तमान को तो सुंदर बनाया ही था , अपनी भावी पीढ़ी को भी सुंदर एवं समृद्ध धरा सौंपी थी l सूर्य, जल, वायु, प्रकाश एवं पृथ्वी की आराधना की जाती थी ;इन सबको देवता एवं शक्ति मानकर इनका संरक्षण किया जाता था l पर आज या हमारे लिए आराध्य न होकर उपभोग की वस्तु बनकर रह गए हैं l
प्रदूषण की समस्या ने पूरे विश्व को झकझोर दिया है l मैं आज दर्द से तड़प रहा हूँ l आपसब ने मिलकर मेरी मान क्या अपनी माँ को लहुलूहान कर दिया है l जब आप एक-एक करके मेरे परिवार के सदस्यों को क्षत –विक्षत करते हैं तब धरती माँ का सीना छलनी हो जाता है l जब आप अपने लिए मकान बनाते हैं तब वही हमारे लिए शमशान बन जाता है l जब आप कारखाने बनाते हैं तो वही हमारे लिए काल बन जाता है l
आप यह क्यों नहीं समझते कि यदि हम नहीं रहेंगे तो आपका भी अस्तित्व धीरे – धीरे समाप्त हो जाएगा l हमारी रक्षा का दायित्व ‘राष्ट्रीय वन विभाग ‘ के सदस्यों तक सीमित न होकर आम आदमी का भी होना चाहिए क्योंकि जीवन पर सबका अधिकार है l आपसब प्रण कीजिए कि हर देशवासी वर्ष में दस –दस वृक्ष (पौधे) लगाएगा एवं उसे संरक्षण प्रदान करेगा l आप यकीन मानिए कि तब जंगल का वर्चस्व बना रहेगा , कहीं अकाल नहीं पड़ेगा, पृथ्वी आग नहीं उगलेगी, न अतिवृष्टि होगी न अनावृष्टि , भूमि बंजर होने से बच जाएगी एवं चारों ओर खुशियाँ ही खुशियाँ छा जाएगी l चलते-चलते मैं यही कहना चाहता हूँ –
“विकास की अंधी दौड़ में दूर अपना वहम करें
दो –चार वृक्ष लगाकर धरती माँ पर रहम करें l”

अंत में मैं आपसे अपने जीवन की प्रार्थना करता हूँ एवं आपके जीवन की कामना करता हूँ l

धन्यवाद !

आपका जीवन रक्षक
एक वृक्ष
– मिथिलेश पाठक
हिंदी विभाग प्रमुख जैन इंटरनेशनल स्कूल, नागपुर

Let’s Have A Moment Of Science 612 1024 Akshay

Let’s Have A Moment Of Science

Let’s Have A Moment Of Science


Dear reader, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a flower blooming or an aeroplane flying high in the sky or may be when you are using your laptop or smartphone? Well…. The first and the only thing that comes to my mind is SCIENCE!
The modern English word ‘science’ is related to the Latin word ‘scientia’ which means ‘knowledge.’ It seems preposterous to us today that people once thought that the Earth was flat. Who could have possibly thought of our planet as a giant disk with the stars and heavens above, and boulders, tree roots, and other things below? Greek philosophers referred to a spherical Earth as early as the 6th century BCE. They observed that the moon appeared to be a sphere and therefore inferred that Earth might also be spherical. Two hundred years later, in the 4th century BCE, the Greek philosopher Aristotle observed that the shadow of the Earth on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is always curved, thus providing some of the first evidence that Earth is spherical. Aristotle, Eratosthenes, and Strabo didn’t call themselves scientists, yet they were using the process of science by making observations and providing explanations for those observations.
So, the question is… What is Science?
Science consists of two things: knowledge and the process by which that knowledge is produced. A scientific way of thinking is something that anyone can use, at any time, whether or not they are in the process of developing new knowledge and explanations.
But hey! Wait a minute! Why are we talking about this? What is the importance of science for us?
It is because science is the only methodical, rational investigation into how the universe functions. It is one of humanity’s blessings that has greatly contributed to enhancing human standard of living. Science is everywhere and has complete power over every part of our existence. Every aspect of our existence revolves around science.
Einstein once said “All our science measured against reality, is primitive and childlike – and yet is the most precious thing we have.”
Science has been extremely beneficial to people. The investigation of environmental issues by man, a rational being, has been peculiar and has led to several discoveries around the world. Science is the study of the environment. Many branches of science, including physics, chemistry, and biology, are researched, as well as creatures, chemicals, the force, the earth, plants, and other topics.
Science has invented different types of machines that are very useful for us in our daily life. Everything that the modern man uses from morning till night has been manufactured by one machine or the other. Computers have made each and everything easy like calculations and other stuff beyond our imagination. Electricity is the greatest invention of man. It serves us in hundreds and thousands of ways. It runs our trains, mills and factories. It gives us cool air and entertains us through Cinema, TV and radio.

The greatest blessings of science are its inventions in the field of medicine and surgery. Human pain and treatment of different types of diseases that don’t have any treatment available in the early times that have now become very easy.
Landing on a moon was just an imagination of a man few years back. But by the help of modern science man has also done this impossible work.
Science is a great blessing for mankind. Its utilities in everyday life are unlimited. But the inventions of science are being distorted in many different ways. Instead of using the aero-planes for travel, we use them to drop bombs. In this way, this blessing has turned into a curse, and it is feared that one day science will destroy humanity.
Science is a good servant, but man must remain master. To conclude we can say that science is the magical genie of today. It can do wonders for us if it is used carefully.

Aisha Sheikh
HoD Science
Jain International School.

Summary: A blog written by Ms. Aisha Sheikh, HoD Science, Jain International School, Nagpur, where she makes us understand the importance of Science in our day to day lives. National Science Day was celebrated yesterday and a tribute to her subject, worth a read in her own words is showcased here. Do share with your family and friends and leave your feedback on the blog. Thank you

The Journey Within 268 187 Akshay

The Journey Within

Drowned in the music, I merrily danced through, unable to listen to the melody within,
About which I had no clue……
My thoughts entangled in the maze of mere words, from which I could not set myself free,
Hit by the self-created wrath of time, I had no time to think of me.
One day as I slipped into a deep slumber of transcendental thought,
I realized how I willingly let myself being caught,
In people’s unworthy views and thoughts;
Which were like food for my thoughts,
Then as I sat back and closed my eyes,
My mind awakened to those cherished dreams; bearing different shades and dyes.
To those places where I always wanted to be,
My heart longs for tasting those sweet nectars that this world has in store for me.
I dream of touching those greatest of greatest heights that await me eagerly,
I want to be like that bird that soars high freely,
Every morning when I wake up to see the sun,
I pray to him to help me be like him-strong, bold, bright and beautiful; one in a trillion!!
As I look up to see the flowers around me,
I pray to them to keep me ever happy and full of glee,
Then once again as I sat back and closed my eyes;
I think of all those things holding me by…..
All those cutting refusals, spicy taunts, jabbering comments that came by,
All those unworthy disheartening conversations, lonely moments and heartbreaking lies.
All those hands that were ready to pull me back as soon as I started dreaming high,
About those wings that I always longed for to help me fly.
About those people who appeared to be astringently sweet,
Of all those haunted moments that would jitter my beauteous sleep.
Then again as I sat back to myself and closed my eyes;
I saw all those smiles and blessings cuddling me by.
I saw my angels holding me tight, standing by my side,
Urging me to fasten my seat belt and get going on my dream ride.
Through the journey I realize, people, places and things that are just part and parcel of a big life plan
And then I tell myself;
Yes, I want to fly, I will fly high, I believe I will soar high.

Sumit Gogia
Author, Artist, Motivational Speaker.

This blog is written by a girl young and full of life Sumit Gogia, who battled life and is an inspiration…her journey described in her own words. Hi friends I would like to share my journey, When I was in class X th I had a partial facial paralytic attack, at that time Doctors could not diagnose my problem, then in 2012 I had 4 relapse, with series of investigation, it was diagnosed that I have a recurring neurological problem of demyelination of my nerves. My walking was effected, I had tremors in my hand and neck, and other issues life became tough… as I always believed ‘When the time goes tough…the Tough gets going”, I diverted my mind to creativity, writing, painting, motivating people. I have also published 2 books in my hard times “Hope” and “Ashaiey”. I sincerely wish and pray for you to find strength… power… positivity to deal with your issues.

Parenting A Shy Child 199 265 Akshay

Parenting A Shy Child

Shyness is a common but misunderstood emotion. Shyness can be defined as a state or quality of being nervous or timid in the company of other people. Shyness is a universal feeling and can be argued to have evolved as an adaptive mechanism used to help individuals cope with social stimuli. Everyone has felt ambivalent or self-conscious in a new social situation. However, there are times when shyness can interfere with optimal social development and can restrict children’s learning. Children may be vulnerable to shyness at particular developmental points.

Perhaps, when a child is born, the last thing the parents think about is whether their child is shy or not. Parents pray for their children to be healthy and normal. They keep track of the child’s height and weight and record every milestone of the first words and steps the child achieves. This increased emphasis on motor development, language skills, and learning tends to divert the attention of parents, teachers, and even child psychologists away from the social and emotional growth of children.

Researchers have shown that some children are shyer than others. However, all shy children get stuck in a vicious cycle that holds them from connecting with other kids. When shy kids are around other kids, they feel like outsiders looking in. These children feel uncomfortable in social settings and avoid interacting with their peers.

Subsequently, this leads to less practice talking and playing with other kids. Thus, there is decreased opportunity to develop social skills such as having conversations, resolving arguments, taking turns, and figuring out fun things to do together. Imagine the pain that parents might feel as they watch a shy child desperately wanting to be accepted by other children yet don’t know what steps to take to gain their approval. To prevent a child from experiencing greater loneliness in their adolescence due to their shyness, it is crucial to adopt specific strategies that will benefit the child to overcome his/her shyness from an early age.

  • 1. Know your Child: Be sensitive to the child’s interests and feelings. This will build a strong relationship with the child and show that you respect the child. This makes the child more confident and less inhibited.
  • 2. Avoid labelling your child: “He’s our shy one.” Labels often define who we are and who we believe we can become. A label that you create might haunt the child throughout his life.
  • 3. Build Self-Esteem and Confidence: Shy children might have negative self-images and might feel that they will not be accepted. It is important to reinforce shy children for demonstrating skills and encourage their autonomy. Praise them often.
  • 4. Develop Social Skills: Opportunities for play with young children in a one-on-one situation may allow shy children to become more assertive. Play with new groups of peers permits shy children to make a fresh start and achieve a higher peer status.
  • 5. Allow the Shy Child to Warm up to New Situations: Pushing a child into a situation that he or she sees as threatening is less likely to help the child build social skills. Help the child feel secure and provide interesting materials to lure him/her into interactions.
  • 6. Encourage the Child to Identify Three Classmates: The child should consider these classmates to be fun to play with. Maybe you can arrange an after-school trip to a park or ice cream shop to see if they make a connection.
  • 7. Ask the teacher to give your child some responsibility: Some less outgoing kids tend to blossom if they feel special and important.
  • 8. Remember That Shyness is Not All Bad: Not every child needs to be the focus of attention. According to Jones, Cheek, and Briggs (1986), some qualities of shyness, such as modesty and reserve, are favorable. As long as the child doesn’t seem excessively uncomfortable or neglected around others, drastic interventions are unnecessary.

Shyness in children is common. These strategies help prevent a child’s shyness from interfering with their social development and learning. The earlier you start, the better your chance of success. Blog written by Ms. Vidhi Maheshwari holding a degree in counselling psychology from Columbia University, New York. She started her own practice, MindUnwind, with the aim to make mental health services more accessible and affordable. She works with children, adolescents, adults and families.

Vidhi Maheshwari

Robots Vs Humans 301 167 Akshay

Robots Vs Humans

Once a upon a time, not very long ago lived a scientist named Dave. Dave made a robot with weapons such as laser guns. The robot was named Fighter. The robot had the strength of a 1000 people. Dave made millions of robots like Fighter such as Fighter 2.0, Warrior and Soldier. Some robots such as Genius and Modern Einstein had the brain of a 1000 people. Dave became a very famous scientist. He soon surpassed the IQ of Albert Einstein and became the smartest human ever on Earth. Few days later, he was making a robot as usual when he made a mistake while coding and the robot turned evil and killed the scientist. The robot’s name was Shooter. Shooter hypnotized every robot on earth and turned evil. Millions of humans died during the beginning of the robot apocalypse. Humans declared war against the robots. Millions of humans sacrificed their lives against the robots but all went in vain and the robots emerged victorious. The humans were slaves of robots and made more robots to increase the robot population. Soon, robots went to space and started taking over and discovering more about space. Humans were taken in space to work for the robots. Humans worked for the robots all the time. Humans used to serve robots for many years until a human named Steve decided to fight back but all humans refused as it was too risky to fight back. So everyone continued working for the robots. Steve was a very special human. Steve decided to end all robots and AIs forever but he did not know how to? He decided to research but he did not have Computer. So, Steve decided to ask the robots for a computer but the robots refused to give him a computer. Then, he decided to steal a computer from the robots. Computers could be found in Private Robot infested areas so Steve went there to get a computer. To his surprise there were 1,000,000 robots. So, he sneaked and killed a robot and took its laser gun. He killed a million robots using the laser gun. He soon reached the computer room and found out how to end all robots. He would have to kill shooter and he even learned the history of Dave. The problem was, there were a trillion guards protecting Shooter at all times and he could not fight a trillion guards on his own as he could barely survive against a million guards. So, he decided to talk to the humans again. He told the humans what he found on the internet and brought a trillion lasers guns for everyone. Everyone agreed and went to kill Shooter. Shooter lived on Earth whereas Steve lived on Saturn so he stole a rocket and went to Earth. On his way he met people from every corner of the Solar System. Soon humans from the Solar System joined the army. Humans attacked the Earth, Shooter realized that humans were attacking and was outnumbered. It called every robot but was shot by Steve. All robots turned back to normalcy.

Moral:Small mistakes turn into big problems if remain unchecked.

Armaan Pashine
The Jain International School, Nagpur.

Blood Donation 259 194 Akshay

Blood Donation

Once on a Sunday morning I was having my breakfast, suddenly I heard a ring on my father’s mobile phone. I gave the mobile to him; there was a call from the blood bank as they had an urgent requirement of blood. I went to the blood bank with him. He is a regular blood donor; he donates his blood and platelets every 3 months. I asked my father “why you donate blood?” He explained why we should donate blood:

  1. Giving blood saves life
  2. Giving blood can reveal potential health problems
  3. Giving blood can reduce harmful iron stores
  4. Giving blood may lower your risk of suffering a heart attack
  5. Giving blood may reduce your risk of developing cancer
  6. Giving blood can help your liver stay healthy
  7. Giving blood can help your mental state

I found it very interesting and I started researching about it. I got to know that in the 1800’s a great Gynaecologist James Blundell performed the first successful transfusion of human blood to a patient for the treatment of postpartum haemorrhage and this is how the world came to know about blood donation. The study of blood is called Haematology. There are four components of blood :

  1. White blood cells (WBC)
  2. Red blood cells (RBC)
  3. Plasma
  4. Platelets

There are eight blood groups which are:
A+/ A positive, A- / A negative, B+/B positive, B-/B negative, O+/O positive, O-/ O negative, AB+/ AB positive, AB-/ AB negative. Any one, of these blood groups is found in our body. The most common type, O+ or O positive is found in 37.5% of the population and can be used in transfusions with any individual who has a positive blood type. The least common, AB-, makes up 0.6% of the population, while the universal donor O- is only found in 6.6% of the population. This makes blood collection and distribution in our healthcare system more challenging and that is why we need constant blood donations. Every year the blood donation day is celebrated on 14th June.

After gaining this knowledge, I was thinking how to promote and spread the benefits of donating blood. I told my father about my curiosity, so he connected me with one of his friends who is a doctor. She actively participates in many blood donation camps. She explained how this blood helps people, who are sick, those who have met with an accident, and who go in for an operation. It helps them to recover and lead a healthy life. Now, along with my doctor aunt I am also actively involved in this mission and support the cause which helps to save lives. I speak to my friends and their parents and urge them to start donating blood for a good cause. I also came to know that children cannot donate blood till a certain age is reached and I am excited and waiting for my 18th birthday when I will donate blood for the first time.

Moral: blood donation is the responsibility towards ourselves and others.

Prana Tandon
5th – A
The Jain International School

अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा 750 500 aces

अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा

अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा


देववाणी, वेदवाणी, अमृतवाणी, कर्णप्रियवाणी, मधुरवाणी आदि विशेषणों से संस्कृत की गरिमा सुशोभित होती है | संस्कृत भाषा को कई लोग जटिल एवं कठिन भाषा समझते हैं | लेकिन यथार्थ यह है कि संस्कृत भाषा न तो कठिन है और न ही क्लिष्ट है | अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा नैव क्लिष्टा न च कठिना || युगों -युगों से संस्कृत गरिमामयी पद पर विराजमान है | ”देवताओं का संवाद हो या मुनियों की तपस्या , वेदों का उच्चारण हो या उपनिषदों का बखान ” सब संस्कृत में ही किए जाते हैं | नीतिश्लोक हो या सुभाषितानि ” के एक -एक श्लोक में जीवन एवं जीवनमूल्यों पर अच्छी बातें बतायी गई हैं , जो पढने वालों को जीवन पथ पर सकारात्मक सोंच के साथ आगे बढने की प्रेरणा देता है |

  • शोध में पाया गया है कि संस्कृत (Sanskrit) पढ़ने से स्मरण शक्ति (याददाश्त) बढ़ती है।
  • संस्कृत वाक्यों का क्रम बदल देने से उसका अर्थ नहीं बदलता है | यही संस्कृत की विशेषता है |
  • नासा के वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार जब वो अंतरिक्ष ट्रैवलर्स को मैसेज भेजते थे तो उनके वाक्य उलट जाते थे। इस वजह से मैसेज का अर्थ ही बदल जाता था। उन्होंने कई भाषाओं का प्रयोग किया लेकिन हर बार यही समस्या आई। आखिर में उन्होंने संस्कृत में मैसेज भेजा क्योंकि संस्कृत के वाक्य उलटे हो जाने पर भी अपना अर्थ नहीं बदलते हैं। जैसा के ऊपर बताया गया है।
  • संस्कृत भाषा में किसी भी शब्द के समानार्थी शब्दों की संख्या सबसे ज्यादा होती है |
  • भारत के कुछ स्थानों पर आज भी संस्कृत में ही बात की जाती है | जैसे- कर्नाटक के मट्टुर गाँव में आज भी लोग संस्कृत में ही बोलते हैं।
  • संस्कृत उत्तराखंड की आधिकारिक राज्य(official state) भाषा है।
  • संस्कृत भारत में ही नहीं विदेशों में भी बोली जाती है | जैसे- जर्मनी के 14 विश्वविद्यालय में संस्कृत की शिक्षा दी जा रही है |

संयम से सफलता 960 661 aces

संयम से सफलता

संयम से सफलता


एक बार एक शिष्य ने अपने गुरु जी से मन को शांत करने का तरीका पूछा। गुरु जी ने कुछ भी उत्तर नहीं दिया। लेकिन उसने शिष्य से कहा, “बेटा! मैं प्यासा हूँ। कृपया मेरे लिए उस तालाब से पानी लाओ। शिष्य तुरंत तालाब के पास गया। उसने देखा कि वहाँ कुछ लोग कपड़े धो रहे हैं उसने तालाब को पार करते हुए एक बैलगाड़ी को भी देखा। इस कारण तालाब का पानी प्रदूषित हो गया है। शिष्य ने सोचा, “मैं यह गंदा पानी गुरु जी को कैसे दूं?” इसलिए वह गुरु जी के पास गया और उनसे कहा कि पानी गंदा है, इसलिए पीने लायक नहीं है। यह सुनकर गुरु जी ने कहा, “चलो! हम इस वृक्ष के नीचे विश्राम करें। थोड़ी देर बाद, गुरु जी ने शिष्य को बुलाया और कहा कि तालाब पर वापस जाओ और पानी लाओ। शिष्य ने गुरु जी की आज्ञा मानी और तालाब की ओर चला गया। अब, उसने तालाब में साफ़ पानी देखा। कीचड़ पानी के नीचे था इसलिए पानी अब पीने लायक था। इसलिए उसने घड़े में पानी भरकर गुरु जी को दे दिया।

गुरु जी ने शिष्य से पूछा, “शिष्य! अब तुम्हें साफ़ पानी कैसे मिला?” शिष्य ने कहा, “कुछ देर के लिए तालाब को यूं ही छोड़ दिया गया कि कीचड़ अपने आप नीचे चला जाए। बिना मेहनत के उसे शुद्ध पानी मिल गया। गुरु जी ने कहा, “शिष्य! ऐसे ही हमें जीवन में जीना चाहिए।

गुरु जी ने फिर कहा, “जब मन अशांत हो तो उसे कुछ समय पानी की तरह दें ताकि मन अपने आप शांत हो सके। कोई प्रयास नहीं करना चाहिए। गुरु जी ने आगे कहा, “इसलिए, यह याद रखना चाहिए कि जब मन अशांत हो, तो उसे बिना किसी प्रतिक्रिया के थोड़ी देर के लिए चुप रहना चाहिए। ताकि हम शांत मन से जीवन में सही निर्णय ले सकें।

Mrs. Chanchala Kumari
HoD Sanskrit Dept.
The Jain International School, Nagpur.